• Addressing the B.I.G. Dare Goals that help us grow in our walk with the Lord...
    Scripture Songs, Biblical Training Classes, & Verse Rehearse addresses B in BIBLE,
    Pray Along ministry resources address I for INTERCESSION,

    Gatherings & Events addresses G for GATHERING


  • How we gather...

    (More information coming about online small groups & local events.)

    What Are Micro Churches?

  • Crown Point, Indiana December 5th or 7th 2019

    Tentaive Caroline Cobb in a Cozy Concert

  • Proposed Upcoming Events
    & Opportunities To Surge Up with God's Word

    Upcoming In 2020

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    May 2020

    John 11:35 Jesus claims to be
    the resurrection and the life.

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    June 2020

    Beach towel or not we will
    literally, be diving into the
    4 chapters of Jonah.​

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    August 2020

  • Come As You Are